Professional mediations
Take your mediations to the new hights
What are mediatons?
It is not a cult. Nor is it magic. Not even a common “mind trick”. It is a process to solve a conflict; to agree a solution with a little help of a mediator. Sometimes you need to say things out loud to somebody impartial. Sometimes, you need to hear from someone else the question, which you never asked yourself. Sometimes, you need an opportunity to discuss it in order to come up with a solution.
Mediations are confidential – what happens in mediation, stays in mediation. Confidentiality is a tool that makes mediation work. You can share your thoughts, come up with ideas for resolution and it will not be mentioned outside of the mediation. Mediation is also voluntary. As soon as both sides of an argument (bitter as it may be) are ready to sit at one table, we can begin
How to make them agree on something?
We are here to manage and facilitate a productive environment where everybody can put their heads together in a respectful, confidential and non-judgmental environment to come up with what is most important for you: a solution.
Not just a solution: a self-determined solution. A solution you are happy with – whatever it may be!
Isn’t that what’s it’s all about?

Who is a mediator?
YourMediator is a qualified and trained professional who assists the parties to a dispute in reaching an agreement on how to resolve the dispute. The mediator does not judge or arbitrate but facilitates a discussion which can move “outside the box” of a conflict. YourMediator is experienced in conflict management.
YourMediator will help you to deescalate the conflict and move towards the future to resolve the problems of the past. The Mediator is a facilitator – does not give opinions on the parties’ actions or positions – but helps the parties understand each others’ positions in order to help them see the argument from a different perspective and find a solution acceptable to both parties.